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Differences Between Potato Starch and Cornstarch

Potato Starch: This is obtained by cooking potatoes (including the skin), drying them, and then finely grinding them. It is a commonly used starch in households. Potato starch is quite sticky, has a fine texture, is white, and has a better gloss than mung bean starch.

Cornstarch: Extracted from corn, this is a white powder with a slight yellow tint. Ordinary products contain small amounts of fat and protein. It has a strong moisture absorption capacity, reaching more than 30%.


Different Functions

Potato Starch: Potato starch is used for making sauces due to its high transparency, resulting in clear and glossy sauces. It is also used for thickening in cooking. Since it gelatinizes at a lower temperature, it reduces the loss of nutrients and flavour due to high heat, ensuring the original taste and juices of the ingredients are retained.

Cornstarch: Suitable for marinating meats, it makes the ingredients soft, smooth, and tender, removing any odd flavours while also adding aroma. It is ideal for dishes made with delicate or tender cuts of chicken, duck, fish, and shrimp, and can also be used for thickening.

Nutritional Analysis of Potato Starch and Cornstarch



Corn: Recognized globally as the "golden crop," corn leads grains in its fat, phosphorus, and vitamin B2 content. Cornmeal contains a significant amount of calcium, iron, linoleic acid, vitamin E, dietary fibre, and the trace element selenium.

Potato Starch: Rich in vitamin C (ascorbic acid), far exceeding the content found in cereals. It also contains high levels of protein, and carbohydrates, and is rich in plant protein, carbohydrates, vitamin C, carotenoids, and dietary fibre.

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